
Winner Of The 2018 Bestazy Inspiring Innovation Scholarship

Balancing copious amounts of studying, attending classes, participating in various clubs, holding down a part-time job, and balancing a healthy social life can really take it out of a person.

Whew! Made me exhausted just typing it out there. And we haven’t even mentioned the worst part yet….Paying for all of it.

Why is college so friggin’ expensive?!

Ugh. Tuition, books, lab fees, housing, food ramen noodles…

You know how the story goes.

Not only are there not enough hours in the day to get everything done, it’s not uncommon for there to also be a lack of dollars in the student’s bank account.

But, Good Things Can Come From Hard Times

What’s really great about this most unfortunate situation though is all the determination we discovered in students who were dead set on not letting anything stand in the way of them and their dreams of higher education.

Back in January, we announced we were giving away a $2000 scholarship to the winner of our essay contest. We tasked students worldwide with penning an 800-word essay on a product they found to be invaluable.

Aptly titled the Inspiring Innovation Scholarship, we asked the entrants this simple question:

“Everyone has that one device they simply can’t live without. The type of product that uncomplicates their life, making their day to day more enjoyable and easy to get through. What’s yours?”

It was exciting to read through all the entries and learn new ways different products have made an impact on the lives of others.

But the most exciting part?

Giving away $2000 to the winning essay, duh.

Adewumi Kojusola, won us over with her well researched and very persuasive essay about how she wouldn’t have survived her first years in college without the coffee maker she purchased used for $16.00.

Congratulations, Adewumi!

After reading your essay, we were so inspired, we rushed out and bought a coffee maker right away. We’re positive you’re going to make a great lawyer and are honored to help you make it happen.

Thanks to everyone who entered our scholarship competition. We are excited to invite you to apply for our 2019 edition of the Inspiring Innovation Scholarship.